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Graymalin Academy. 2466. Any science sufficiently advanced, will seem as magic to less advanced people. About the middle of the 2200s, mankind discovered magic WAS a branch of science. One that very few had the natural ability to understand and use. As time progressed, it seemed more and more of those that DID know how to access it, produced children who were all capable OF it. That was not to say that mages didn’t pop up every now and then in non-magic families. When they did, they were afforded the education their capabilities merited. Greymalin Academy. It was just as well the population of magic users was rising, as the regular military was nearly wiped out by the dimensional alien invasion of 2370. They weren’t from outer space. They crossed to Earth from a different vibratory plain, occupying the same space as us, but at a different resonating frequency. Their weapons were superior to the military in every respect. But NOT, to magic. Still wary of the sorcerers skilled folk, the mainstream military only let them enter the battle as a last ditch resort. They annihilated the invaders in days, sealed the dimensional riffs that were spread across the face of the Earth, and sent a horrible parting gift through the doorway as they did. A magical pestilence, for which the aliens would have no defense.
Graymalin was the seat of magical learning. Only the best and brightest came here, from all over the world. And they were young. Some came as early as 10 years. Few started later than 15. It resembled Cambridge in England quite a bit. And suspiciously, bit also seemed to resemble a move magical school from a classic move of a couple centuries before. Probably on purpose. But, no one would admit to that. The authors’ estate still existed, and was QUITE sue happy, even nearly 500 years after her death.
During the 1st Demon War (as the conflict was known), there had been many heroes. One such was the American Knight – George Saint. Son of a welder and self taught blacksmith, George excelled at creating swords and armor for other magic users. His greatest creations were proprietary; they could only be used by the one they were created for. Anyone else, would get little to nothing from them. Somehow, limiting them in such a manner, made them far more powerful. Both armor and swords. When fighting 1st broke out, George had been in his early 20s. He created for his own use, the Grail Armor and the sword Excalibur. He did not share his creation method with anyone. But, the resulting weapons which he wore and used were devastating to the alien incursion. George Saint lead the charge in many battles, and with him at the head, the mage forces never lost. His image was broadcast across the globe, to give the people hope. It appeared in paintings, video, comics, everywhere. The quiet, blacksmithing-mage became as well know as King Arthur. Britain wanted to claim him as their own, but, upon researching his family history, they were crushed to find out he was of mainly Germanic decent. Conversely, Germany was overjoyed and erected statutes to him everywhere. George found it quite embarrassing.
After the war, George settled down, married and had a son; Carter Saint. The boy was a great mage in his own right. But, he had the bent toward the bad side. So it was that at age 50, George had to stop his own power mad son, in a magic battle. It was only after George was forced to kill his only child, that he found he had an infant grandson. He raised the boy as his own, naming him, John.
John Saint was a quiet child, who listen raptly to everything his grandfather taught him. He need only hear or see something one time, and he grasped it, whatever the concept may have been. The boy grew up on the campus of Graymalin Academy. His grandfather taught magical smithing. John became a master smith/mage in his own right. One day, just as John turned 40, 95 year old George passed away in the forge classroom. The whole world mourned the loss of Saint George the Demonslayer. Everyone expected John to step up and take over his grandfather’s forge and classes. But, that isn’t what happened. John lost the taste for magic when his grandfather passed. He stayed at Graymalin, but, instead, asked the board of reagents for the job of Janitor. They were appalled, and tried to force him into the teaching position. John firmly refused, and simply asked to be allowed to continue living in his grandfathers on campus quarters, and to be assigned his building and forge to clean and maintain. He insisted another smith/mage be brought in to teach his grandfather’s classes.
John had never forged any armors. He did make several swords, which, over the years, became quite famous in their own rights. He cleaned The Saints Forge building and its surrounding environs. John never married, nor had children. He kept to himself. He was friendly and helpful to the faculty, other staff and students. Sometimes he would help someone who was having trouble in their classes, and invariably, that student would suddenly become stellar. It was rumored he was quietly tutoring, but, John always denied it. And no student would ever confirm it. So, time passed. Until the Demons returned…
The first place they hit, was Graymalin. The intent was obvious; to destroy any change humanity may have had in opposing their second invasion. The school was ready, but shocked enough to loose most of the faculty, who were getting on in years and not able to stand up to the Demons newly found magic of their own. News cameras controlled by magic, broadcast the destruction, almost instantaneously, around the globe. Terror swept the campus as hordes of armor wearing Demons came through the gates, firing energy weapons and cutting down those who were foolish enough to stand against them. Until…
The Gate in the center of campus shut down with an explosion, cutting off the transport of many Demons in mid phase. When the smoke cleared, impossibly, George Saint’s Grail Armor stood where the Gate had been. And whomever was in it, had Excalibur in hand. Cheers went up around the world, that Earth’s mightiest Knight, had returned from death to aide his people. The Demons turned and rushed the lone figure, only to be decimated by the lightning fast sword arm of the human. They died in droves. He was buying time for the world to rally and ready itself. And ready themselves they did. When the gates started opening in other parts of the world, the Demons were met with destructive force such as they had never seen in the last war. With a century more time to learn, they decimated the aliens, shoving them back through the Gates and sending planetary bombs along back with them. It was overkill, really. One such explosive would have sufficed. But, Earth sent a message. 10 Gates opened. 10 Gates closed. 10 bombs went through. The Demons civilization was utterly annihilated. Their planet was destroyed.
On the Campus of Graymalin, armored students and faculty rallied around the figure of the Grail Armor. The mighty warrior had sheathed his sword and silently turning, walked back to the forge building, and his grandfather’s living quarters.
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